Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Nerds unite!

I had this idea for a while. Nerdy people are probably the most inactive people. Some of that is not true. There are nerds out there who do like to workout, one of them, who built an empire is Chris Hardwick! I am also a nerd cause I would so much rather watch Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars and anything else science fiction versus sports. My family has a good range, my Mom is a sports fan, my Dad is very nerdy; in the fact, that he doesn't watch sports. He watches science fiction. He was the one who got me and my brother hooked on science fiction.

I love a good Doctor Who episode but if you watch the actors, they run, a lot. Running is great cause one its free! Besides the fact, that you need a good pair of shoes, some earphones, and water. Other than that there is no excuse why we (nerdy people) can't workout. In becoming a personal trainer, I notice that there is a lot of science between working out. Most of the science is physics, math, human anatomy, psychology, kinesiology, physiology and of course nutrition. Lets break down why the science is important for a personal trainer to know.

 Personal Trainers have to know the three laws of Newton's theory. Law of Inertia (1st Law of motion), Law of acceleration (2nd law of motion) and the Law of reaction (3rd Law of motion. We all know what each of these laws mean. A weight could be at rest, then its in motion cause we (the human) puts in motion. Then we put that same weight into motion cause we (the human) are the force putting the weight into motion. We also give that weight into a direction whether it be up or down. The 3rd law is applied force. The weight is an opposite force cause we can either push or pull down, or push or pull up. This might not make any sense. The trainer has to know the Newton's law.

Personal Trainers have to know how many reps a person did, how much weight a person can weight lift. How much weight a person needs to lose, how to calculate the BMI, how to calculate nutrition values on a food. What percentage a person is weight lifting versus the body weight. There is a lot of math involved. Plus, the heart rates and where the heart rate zone for that client is.

Human Anatomy/Physiology:
 Why would a personal trainer need to know the anatomy? Here is the reason. Personal Trainers need to know what muscles do what. What muscles are the pulling muscles, What muscles are the pushing muscles. How the skeleton is affected by weight lifting. How is the muscles affected by weight lifting. I could go on and on.

 In order to be successful in weight loss. YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO CHANGE! I know that is huge. It takes all of your will, to get through a workout. It takes a lot of emotion to make it through a workout that is tough. If you are starting out at about 270 pounds and the first workout you did was Insanity. That takes a lot on your psyche, it takes a lot of your emotion. You could have breakdowns (break throughs). In order to be successful, you have to have the break throughs. If you don't then you probably will not understand the hard work that goes into your workout. Thats why a personal trainer has to know psychology because it does take a lot out of you emotionally and physically.

 Before, and after exercise; nutrition becomes the most important. We need energy to help us in our workouts and in everyday life. We either eat too much or we eat too less. I am in the same boat as every one else. I love food and thats the one reason why I ended up being heavy. I wasn't exercising the food off. This is the part that everyone needs help in.

So thinking that exercise is just for the "sports oriented people" think again. We all need to get out there and start moving. I love working out, its the best part of my day because I am doing something for myself and not for other people. I love running, I love being a martial artist. I have to be in shape in order to do those things. You might have the thought of "why am I doing this," "I can't do this," "It's not possible." Stop thinking in the negative and start thinking in the positive and saying "YES, I CAN," "I AM GOING TO DO THIS," "THIS IS POSSIBLE." If you want to change then you will change.

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