Thursday, January 16, 2014

Working out

Okay, so today I worked out. I have to admit that I was not feeling the workout. The workout that I did  was P90X, Kenpo X. As a martial artists, its pretty fun to watch other styles and to learn from other styles. I really did not want to do a whole lot of jumping today. I feel, better that I did workout but I still have another workout, later on today.

When feeling like you do not want to workout. Its actually the best thing to do. You are probably thinking, "well, why workout at all? When you are not feeling." The reason is this, if you don't workout then you regret in not working out. If you work out then you do not have that regret. I might not be in the mood to workout, but if you do low impact on the days that you are wanting to do a high impact that is a good way for your body to get some rest. You also then get some exercise in; then you don't have the regret. See, sometimes things work out in away that you don't expect them too.

It's okay to rest your body when you need too. You need to listen to your body, if you don't listen to your body, that's when injury occurs, burnouts can occur that way too. Switch up your workouts, if you feel like, yes, I can do a higher impact then do high impact but if you don't drop down to a lower impact. You might have to eat less on that day but it gives your body a chance to recover.

Recovery days versus rest days. What is the difference between Recovery and rest days? Recovery days are days where you do low to moderate impact. Best examples is doing Yoga, one day during the week. That can be Saturday, Wedensday, Thursday or Friday. You need recovery because you could have injury. Stretching one day out of the week can be very helpful to your body if you do a high impact workout. Rest days are days were you do nothing at all. No workouts, just rest your body. Take that day and don't worry about calories or working out. Have fun on that day. That day could be during the weekend. Mine is on Sunday. We eat out on Sundays and thats the best day for me. You have to think all in moderation.

Working out can be fun but you have to be wise about when to rest and when to recover. If you had a hard day that next day should be to recover. I always did love my recovery days with Insanity.

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